Mission of Justice and Reconciliation
DMIites are “Daughters of Mary Immaculate” called to serve a world in need, sharing Christ’s mission of justice and reconciliation. We are religious Sisters sent to all corners of the world to share the Good News of our faith, to promote justice, and to foster greater dialogue between different religions and cultures. We seek the greater glory of God and the development of a more humane and sustainable world.
The DMI Vocation is in the World
“…Christ our Lord chooses so many persons and friends… And sendd them through all the World…”
Finding God in All Things… Contemplatives in Action
The life of DMIites is based on the spiritual experience of Jesus who communed with Abba Father and communicated Him to all. We learn from Jesus, the Immanuel in prayer, in people, daily actions and in our own hearts. Inspired by Jesus, we too strive to discover God working in all the realities of our world…as Contemplatives in Action.
Available to go anywhere and do anything
Being a DMI opens our lives to risk and adventure. DMIites would generously offer ourselves to be sent to any part of the world where greater service to God and help for people is expected. We cheerfully go where there is most need and it is most urgent: where others do not want to go or cannot go; where we can do greater good for individuals and communities.
Friends in the Lord - Global Companions
Through our personal love for Christ we inherit an identity as friends in the Lord. We are ordinary women from every culture and country united by Christ to continue His work, and to share our lives as Jesus did: in deeply human and concrete friendships.
Focused on God, the Poor, the Young, the Earth
Our international formation brings us together as we share community life and mission across cultures. Anywhere in the world where we find a DMI community, we feel among friends. For us, the DMIites, “the world is our home.”