DMI Formation
The aim of DMI Formation is to discover and respond to God’s unique call for each one of us, to follow Christ and be filled with His Spirit to continue God the Father’s Mission according to our Charism.
Our happiness is in the Glory of God and the good of the neighbour. It does not require that we be numerous but that we be filled with the Spirit of Jesus. Formation, whether Initial or On-Going, is a process which enables us to contemplate God at work in the depth of our being and in the universe. This leads us towards a continuous conversion of heart and enables us to make a total offering of ourselves to the Lord in freedom.
Our apostolic formation assures a better presence and a better service. It is to become “a living memorial of Jesus’ way of living and acting as the incarnate in the world in relation to the Father and in relation to our brothers and sisters” especially to the needy.
We strive to put on the attitude of Jesus Christ, the Servant who was poor and humble, but who in full freedom gave up His life on the Cross in order to save humanity.
It is based on the internalization of the Gospel values that are appropriate for the individual within the context of a loving relationship with the Father through Christ that extends outward to the community and to the world. It also means a growing capacity for availability, mobility and flexibility to the demands of the apostolate in the Society, Church and the times.
The life and mission of each Sister in DMI strongly depends on the formation of its members. The Holy Eucharist and the Word of God are the sources of nourishment and motivation for our formation and mission. The fundamental objective of formation is to promote growth in union and conformity with Christ according to the Charism of our Society in a responsible and creative manner.
We consider formation as the period of grace and as a preparation for the commitment to our ministry. A lifelong formation is the right attitude of a life of holiness. Formation is the process of one’s own conversion and it continues till she reaches the Lord.
As apostolic religious, the process of formation helps us to realize the vision of the Society, that is, “Loving God and serving the poor to be fully human and fully alive” in the midst of the world today.
1. Spiritual Formation
2. Human Formation
3. Religious Formation
4. Mission Formation
1. Aspirancy
2. Postulancy
3. Pre-Novitiate
4. Novitiate (Intensive motivation training) IMT
5. Ongoing Formation
Formation Houses - 9
- DMI Aspirantate: Palanchur - Chennai, Archdiocese of Madras and Mylapore, India
- DMI Aspirantate: Elupatti - Tanjore, Diocese of Tanjore, India
- DMI Aspirantate (North): Saswad - Maharashtra, Pune Diocese, India
- DMI Aspirantate: Dimapur - Nagaland, Kohima Diocese, India
- Tumsar (Postualncy): Tumsar – Nagpur, Archdiocese of Nagpur
- DMI Aspirantate: Mbweni – Tanzania, Archdiocese of Dar Es Salaam
- DMI Aspirantate: Lilongwe – Malawi, Archdiocese of Lilongwe
- DMI Novitiate: St. Thomas Mount – Chennai, Diocese of Chingleput
- DMI Novitiate: Kimara – Tanzania, Archdiocese of Dar Es Salaam