Temporary Vows
The period of Temporary Vows is a time of preparation for the total consecration of oneself to God. It Lasts from six to nine Years.
The goal of the period of Temporary Vows is to deepen and perfect the formation already received. It enables the junior sisters to integrate prayer, community life, secular studies and apostolic activities in modelling herself after the Eucharistic Lord, who is both the Priest and the Victim. Her desire to become a holocaust for the reconciliation and salvation of the world is kindled during this period.
- Temporary professed sisters are directly involved in the educative mission.
- They become more autonomous and responsible.
- They entrust themselves to God for continuous help.
- They deepen their willingness to give themselves totally to God and the mission.
- They actively participate and involve themselves in the Community.
- They practice evangelical counsels cheerfully.