Meaning of DMI Logo
To shake the dust of our feet!
The Arctic Tern is called the bird of the Sun as it travels along the Sun and never sees the Sun’s setting. In its life span of around 30 years, it flies about 71000 kilometers annually from one pole to the other. Totally in its life time, it travels approximately 2.4 million kilometers equivalent to around three return journeys from earth to moon.

With short legs and heads kept high, the Arctic Tern always keeps traveling and coming back to the source. The short legs of the bird mean to us that we are born to fly like the bird and not to get stuck in one place.
The first tern represents our spirit of launching into the unknown for the sake of God and His people.
The second tern, positioned at the centre of the cross, symbolizes our spirituality where the Cross remains the centre of our life. The one who denies the cross denies her own identity.
The third tern keeps its legs hidden and is stretched outside the world. It reminds us of our prophetic future while remaining rooted strongly in our traditions and source.
The letters DMI partly inside and partly outside the world represent our readiness to launch for “The New” in our march towards the New world and the New human race to come in the Father’s Kingdom.
The overall spirit of DMI is captured in the emblem with the Cross which is the centre of our life. The world of the poor is our mission. The arctic terns are the symbols of our spirit and spirituality of being in and not belonging to the world. Also Being ever ready to launch into the New while not forgetting the source and traditions.
The letters DMI are a reminder to all of us never to lose our identity by copying others. It is also an admonition to be ready “to shake the dust of our feet” (Mt.10:14) and go elsewhere, if and when there arises any occasion to compromise our identity as DMI.